There are a number of programs and services available such as Special Assistance In-Home, Adult Protective Services, Guardianship, Adult Care Home Case Management, Placement and Adult Home Specialist. A member of the adult services social work staff is available each day, by telephone or office visit, to discuss the eligibility criteria of each program.
Adult Care Home Case Management
Provides case management to individuals placed in adult care homes who require enhanced care in the areas of ambulation, toileting and eating.
Adult Home Specialist
Monitors and investigates complaints of adult and family care homes to ensure licensure compliance.
Adult Protective Services (APS)
Agency takes reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of disabled adults. If you would like to make a report, please contact our office at (910) 592-7131 (or 911 after hours), ask for Adult Protective Services, and there will be a social worker available to discuss your concerns with you.
Agency serves as court appointed guardian for individuals who have been deemed incompetent and have no one else to assure their health, safety and well-being.
Placement Services
Agency assists individuals with locating appropriate out of home placement.
Special Assistance In-Home
Provides case management to individuals who are determined to be eligible for Special Assistance Medicaid and are at risk of being placed in an adult care home.