Soil and Water Conservation Services

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The mission of Sampson Soil and Water Conservation District is to take available technical, financial, and educational resources and administer programs designed to encourage individual responsibility to conserve, improve, and sustain our soil and water resources for future generations.

The Sampson Soil and Water Conservation District office is a cooperation between the Sampson Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) and the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS).The District is a subdivision of the state government that administers and supports local, state and federal programs which provide technical and financial assistance to landowners and land users for managing our natural resources such as soil, water, forestry and wildlife. The District is governed by a five-member supervisory board which consists of 2 members appointed by the NC Soil and Water Conservation Commission and 3 members that are elected by the citizens of Sampson County.


Staff Contact

To ensure prompt services, we encourage residents to schedule an appointment with our staff by calling our office number (910) 592-7963 Ext. 3

Melanie Harris, Director and Senior Soil Conservationist

Candice Adams, Program Support Specialist and Environmental Education Coordinator 

Henry Faison, Soil Conservationist

Cameron Knudsen, Soil & Water District Technician

Kellyam Valle Cancel, NRCS Supervisory Soil Conservationist

Dwayne Faircloth, NRCS Soil Conservationist

Dominae Smith, NRCS Soil Conservationist

Liana Guy, NRCS Soil Conservationist

Matt Swinarski, NRCS Soil Conservation Technician